The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff – A Classroom Drama

Read the story or poem or watch the video. See links above.

Introduction: All the children sit in a circle. The teacher asks them what a troll looks like? Get the children to express their thoughts and ideas freely.

Role on the wall: Give an outline of an image and ask the children to write inside the image the different characteristics or personality traits of a troll. If they are too young to write, get them to draw inside the image.

Group work: Divide the class in to smaller groups of 5 or 6 children. Each group works together to create the troll with their bodies.
Suggestions: One of them could be head, the others could be the bodies or the legs. They could be two heads, 10 legs, four hands, etc.., Each group should be different.
Then ask each group to move around the room as the troll. The group should stay connected as they walk. Once they have mastered the movement they can make sound.

Still Image: Get each group to make a still image of the troll. He should look as fierce and as scary as possible.

Teacher in Role: The teacher assumes the role as the troll. She can do this by changing her voice or using a prop or putting on a costume. She sits on a seat which becomes the hot seat.

Hot Seating: Each child in the class asks the troll a question.
Suggestions: Why does the troll live by himself?
Where is his family?
Why does he not like the Billy Goats?
Does he not have any friends?
Why does he live under a bridge?

Voice Production (Pitch and Power): Divide the class into groups of three. They each must assume the role of one of the Billy Goats. They should experiment with the pitch and power of each of the billy goats.
The smallest goat should have a soft and high-pitched voice.
The middle size goat should have a medium volume and  medium-pitched voice.
The biggest goat should have a loud and low-pitched voice.
Give each group time to find their voices.

Choral speaking: Get each group to practice saying the following together:

  • “Please, Mr Troll, may we cross the bridge so we can graze on the green grassy ridge.”

Get them to say it first as the smallest goat, then the middle sized goat and then finally the biggest goat.

Thought tracking: The teacher tell each group they are going to cross the bridge. She taps each goat on the shoulder and they must say how they feel about crossing the bridge and confronting the goat. The teacher can extend this by asking each goat what they will say to the troll.

Conscience Alley: The class forms two lines facing each other. The line on the left must think of reasons why the troll should eat the Billy Goats. The line on the right should think of reasons why the troll shouldn’t eat the Billy Goats.

TIR – teacher walks down the centre of the line as the troll and she listen to each reason carefully.

Improvisation: Divide the class into pairs. One child is the biggest billy goat and the other is the troll. They must come up with alternative ending. The goat doesn’t throw the troll into the river. They can act out an alternative and most positive ending.




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